Trials In Tainted Space Amazon Treatment

Trials In Tainted Space Cheat Codes. Furfag – This cheat code enables infinite item use for most consumable items. Bimbo – It forces the Treatment to use the Female effects. Bull – This forces the Treatment to use the Male effects. Amazon – It forces the Treatment to use the Amazon effects. Forces the Treatment for Amazon effects. Trials in Tainted Space Amazon Code. In Trials in Tainted Space, the code for amazon is: amazon.

Amazona Iced Tea

Base Price

3000 (amazona variants)

6000 (futazona)
Defensive TargetSelf

Amazona Iced Tea is a TF item produced by JoyCo that focuses on turning the user into a large, fit, and to varying degrees, busty amazon.Comes in four flavors; Classic, Lite, Plus, and FutazonaIs distributed by your local JoyCo™ Vending Machine

A JoyCo-brand product. that turns the user into an amazon.


Can be purchased from JoyCo Vending Machines.

Trials In Tainted Space Amazon Treatment


This item is consumed on use and turns the user into an amazon. It comes in 3 varieties: Lite, Classic, and Plus, as well as the more expensive Futazona, which itself can be set to any of the other three. Each Amazona type will trigger up to 4 random Amazona transformations each. Whilst each Futazona type will trigger up to 3 random Amazona transformations.

Consuming more than 6 within 24 hours of each other will cause Overdose effects, and will override all normal effects

Amazona Status Effects
Condition Effect
  • (on use)
  • No Amazona Usesstatus effect
  • Gain Amazona Usesstatus effect for 1440 minutes
  • (on use)
  • Has Amazona Usesstatus effect
  • Set Amazona Usesstatus effect time for 1440 minutes
  • Taking Amazona Lite
  • Amazona Usesstatus effect
    • Increase Amazona Lite by 1
  • Taking Amazona Classic
  • Amazona Usesstatus effect
    • Increase Amazona Classic by 1
  • Taking Amazona Plus
  • Amazona Usesstatus effect
    • Increase Amazona Plus by 1
  • Taking Futazona
  • Amazona Usesstatus effect
    • Increase Futazona by 1
Amazona Fixed Effects
Condition Effect
  • Femininity less than 80
  • Femininity increased by 5
  • No vagina
  • Grow new vagina
    • Vagina type will be determined by current race
  • Always
  • Recover 50 energy

Each variety will generate similar random changes, with Lite being relatively smaller and slighter, but still amazonian, and Plus being larger and more significant. All of the size changing effects in this chart are capped at their target values, while wetness, capacity and fertility are not.

Amazona Random Effects
Condition Effect
  • Breast size less than
    • DD-cup for lite
    • G-cup for classic
    • I-cup for plus
      • Only checks top row
  • Increase breast size by
    • 1-3 cup sizes up to DD-cup for lite
    • 2-4 cup sizes up to G-cup for classic
    • 3-5 cup sizes up to I-cup for plus
      • Only modifies top row
  • Lite only
    • Breast size greater than DD-cup
      • Only checks top row
  • Decrease breast size by
    • 1-3 cup sizes down to DD-cup
      • Only modifies top row
  • Height less than
    • 84 inches for lite
    • 96 inches for classic
    • 120 inches for plus
  • Increase height by
    • 1-3 inches up to 84 for lite
    • 2-4 inches up to 96 for classic
    • 3-5 inches up to 120 for plus
  • Tone less than
    • 75 for lite
    • 100 for classic
    • 100 for plus
  • Increase tone by
    • 3-5 up to 75 for lite
    • 4-6 up to 100 for classic
    • 5-7 up to 100 for plus
  • Thickness less than
    • 25 for lite
    • 50 for classic
    • 75 for plus
  • Increase thickness by
    • 1-2 up to 25 for lite
    • 2-3 up to 50 for classic
    • 4-5 up to 75 for plus
  • Lite or Classic
    • Thickness greater than
      • 25 for lite
      • 50 for classic
  • Decrease thickness by
    • 3-5 down to 25 for lite
    • 1-3 down to 50 for classic
  • Hip size less than
    • 6 for lite
    • 10 for classic
    • 15 for plus
  • Increase hip size by
    • 1 up to 6 for lite
    • 2 up to 10 for classic
    • 3 up to 15 for plus
  • Lite only
    • Hip size greater than 6
  • Decrease hip size by 1 down to 6
  • Butt size less than
    • 8 for lite
    • 12 for classic
    • 16 for plus
  • Increase butt size by
    • 1 up to 8 for lite
    • 2 up to 12 for classic
    • 3 up to 6 for plus
  • Lite only
    • Butt size greater than 8
  • Decrease butt size by 1 down to 8
  • Has vagina
  • Driest vagina has a wetness less than
    • 4 for lite
    • 6 for classic
    • 8 for plus
  • Increase driest vaginawetness by 1
  • Has vagina
  • Smallest vagina has a capacity of less than
    • 100 for lite
    • 200 for classic
    • 500 for plus
  • Increase smallest vagina'scapacity by 10
  • Fertility less than
    • 200% for lite
    • 400% for classic
    • 800% for plus
  • Not infertile
  • Increase fertility by 100%

When used, Futazona allows the player to select 'Lite', 'Classic', or 'Plus'. The standard transformation effects will be identical to the corresponding Amazona flavor, though only 3 random effects can occur. In addition, Futazona will always cause the following changes. Unlike the standard effects, these size changes are not capped at their target values.

Trials In Tainted Space Amazon Treatment
Amazona Futazona
Condition Effect
  • No penis
  • Has a vagina
  • Grow a new penis
    • Penis type and size will be determined by current race
    • Size will be modifed as follows:
      • Increase length by 25% with 'Hung' perk
      • Decrease length by 25% with 'Mini' perk
      • Increase thickness ratio by 10% for Futazona plus
      • Decrease thickness ratio by 10% for Futazona lite
  • If ball count is less than 2
    • Ball count becomes 2
    • If ball size is less than 3
      • Ball size becomes 3(5 with 'Bulgy' perk)
  • Any penis length less than
    • 10 for lite
    • 14 for classic
    • 18 for plus
  • Increase length by 2(4 With 'Hung' perk)
    • Repeat for each penis less than target length
  • Ball size less than
    • 5 for lite
    • 10 for classic
    • 15 for plus
  • Has Penis
  • Increase ball size by 2(4 with 'Bulgy' perk)
  • 25% chance to trigger
  • Refractory rate less than
    • 15 for lite
    • 30 for classic
    • 45 for plus
  • Has Penis
  • Increase refractory rate by 5

Overdosing will trigger at 7 to 10 uses within 24 hours of each other period. Each use of Amazona or Futazona resets the 24 hour cooldown. Overdose growth overrides all the non-overdosing effects, and ignore the normal size caps. Exactly one Overdosing growth effect will occur and up to one perk gain, in addition to gaining Taint.

Condition Effect
  • Breast size at least A-cup
  • Increase breast size by 6-8
    • Unlike normal effects, this applies to each row of breasts
  • Hip size less than 30
  • Butt size less than 30
  • Increase hip size by 4-6
  • Increase butt size by 4-6
  • Used Futazona
  • Has penis
  • Increase penis size by 4-6(6-8 with 'Hung' perk) inches
  • Increase penisthickness ratio by 0.1
  • Used Futazona
  • Has balls
  • Increase ball size by 8-12 (12-16 with 'Bulgy' perk) inches
  • No 'Jungle Queen Scent' perk
  • 25% Chance
  • Gain 'Jungle Queen Scent' perk
  • No 'Energizing Libido/Snu-Snu Queen' perk
  • Libido at 40 or greater
  • Chance
    • 25% with 'Amazonian Endurance' perk
    • 10% without 'Amazonian Endurance' perk
  • Gain 'Energizing Libido/Snu-Snu Queen' perk
  • Always
  • Increase taint by 1
  • Taken 10 doses of Amazona
  • Gain Amazona Disabledstatus effect for 1440 minutes


This transformative is named after AriZona Iced Tea.

Retrieved from ‘’

The relentless march of time will eventually claim all of our lives — or at least that’s the reality we’ve all come to expect. Short of finding the mythical Fountain of Youth, there’s not much any of us can do about getting older, but new drug trials suggest that might eventually change, and the results have shocked even the scientists who were conducting the experiments.

A study recently published in Aging Cell reveals that a specific regimen of growth hormones and medications shows promise in actually reversing a person’s biological age. The research was conducted on a very small scale, with just nine adults participating and no control group, but the findings are nonetheless exciting.

For a full year, the tiny group of volunteers stuck with a strict drug routine that included the growth hormone and a pair of drugs commonly used to treat diabetes. Their biological ages — which is a measurement of the changes in a person’s genetics over time and is commonly used to determine the age of a person’s body in comparison to chronological age — were tracked for comparison.

Milodan Futazon - Trials In Tainted Space Wiki

Trials In Tainted Space Amazon Treatment

After the experiment was over, the biological ages of the individuals were determined to be approximately 1.5 years younger than when they started a year prior, meaning that they were actually 2.5 years younger than they would have been by the time the trials were over. The decrease in biological age persisted for six months after the participants finished the trials.

Trials In Tainted Space Codes


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“I’d expected to see slowing down of the clock, but not a reversal,” geneticist Steve Horvath, who participated in the research, said in a statement. “That felt kind of futuristic.”

Trials In Tainted Space Children

The results are obviously significant, but it’s worth repeating just how small this study really was. No firm judgment should be made about the efficacy of a treatment like this with such a tiny sample size, and that’s something the researchers emphasize repeatedly in their paper. Still, it’s an exciting finding and certainly warrants additional investigation.